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4,000 pages of archived material relating to the "Grandfather of American Science Fiction". That's the proud boast of the biggest and finest ERB-related site in the world, run by Bill and Sue-On Hillman; ErbZine is rapidly approaching its tenth birthday but already it's the "one-stop shop" for everything you could possibly want to know about the great man and the people he inspired and continues to inspire to this day, thirty years after he died. There's absolutely nothing I can tell you about ERB which you can't find out from ERBZine, and there is little point in my trying to write about him' far more learned and knowledgeable people have already done that. Think of ERBZine as the wheel. Bill and Sue-On invented the wheel nearly ten years ago. ERB is their speciality. ERBZine is their brainchild and contains, like I said, everything you need. My job is slightly different. I publish a story magazine which occasionally has feature articles, and always has image galleries. I'm not really an expert in anything. I think I know a little about Stephen King, in particular IT, THE STAND, and the DARK TOWER series, but as the days go by and I re-read the DRAWING OF THE THREE, I realise I know so little. Though I know where to find that knowledge I don't have about King. Similarly, I know where to go if I want to find out about ERB, his stories, his artists, his movies, his life, and his family. ERBZine - of course, as though you needed me to say it again. ERBZine is organized so well, it can only be described as "user-friendly". There are these departments:

  • Life ~ Family
  • Research ~ Academic
  • Craft ~ Media
  • Art ~ Artists
  • Fandom ~ Meets
  • Archives ~ ERBZines
  • ERBZine ~ Every Friday
  • News & Swag
  • Links & References
  • Legal & Copyright

and each page is just groaning with information. Where else could I find everything I needed to know aboyt one of the greatest ERB artists ever - Russ Manning? True, I did find loads of images elsewhere on the web, but I found out about the man himself, and that was more interesting than finding the Russ Manning pics I needed for my forthcoming gallery. I cannot rate ERBZine highly enough. Click on the icon above and check it out. If you didn't believe me when I said that ERB started it all, then ERBZine will surely convince you!

Every month, Gateway Monthly brings you the best in fantasy, SF, horror, 'tec and kids' fiction, absolutely the best in imagery, and is, in my opinion, the best-value-for-money story magazine on the web. Watch out for more superb features in future issues. Gateway Monthly is published on the first day of every month and is now in its eighth year of publication. All images and text reproduced on this site are the copyright and intellectual property of their respective owners, and no images are ever reproduced without the owner's permission. All texts are either original or "public domain", i.e. out of copyright. If any reader knows of any reason why I should not publish a certain text, they are welcome to e-mail me

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